
Screenshots: Brian Tyler Cohen and CBS Mornings

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) responded to a colleague’s recent revelation about a serious “threat to national security,” but probably not in the way she would have expected.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner (R-OH) publicly revealed the threat and demanded President Joe Biden declassify the information. As The Political Insider reported, Turner’s claims received some pushback, more for the timing of the news than perhaps the substance.

Reports have emerged suggesting that the threat in question concerns “Russia wanting to put a nuclear weapon in space” to disrupt satellites.

But speculation arose suggesting that Turner had revealed the threat when he did so, even though it was not an imminent concern, as a means to prompt House lawmakers to vote for more aid to foreign nations, particularly Ukraine.

RELATED: People Wonder If Rep. Mike Turner’s ‘National Security Threat’ Russian Warning Is a Ploy to Get Ukraine Funding Passed in the House

Greene on the threat to national security: it’s real

Congresswoman Greene took to social media platform

Except that threat is within.

“Are we facing a national security threat?” —Greene asked. “It is my duty to be honest with you. If it’s real.”

But that threat isn’t exactly what Turner was trying to sell.

“Our president is a dementia patient in charge of our country and nuclear football, who opened our borders to more than 10 million people and, counting, from more than 160 countries around the world and 2 million of them we never captured Many of them are, in fact, terrorists who want to kill you,” Greene said.

Greene delved into the border threat, pointing to the president’s alleged empowerment of drug cartels and his willingness to turn a blind eye to human trafficking.

He also pointed to “national security threats” in the form of a national debt predominantly owned by communist China, the weakening of the US dollar and the devastation of taxpayers’ personal retirement accounts.

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Greene attacks pro-Ukrainian Republican Turner

Greene, in her lengthy article, took the time to address Turner’s claims, as well as the widespread use of weaponized classified intelligence to influence government policy and public opinion.

“Perhaps the biggest threat is that the federal government has become so powerful over the people that it leaks ‘intelligence’ to the press to pressure Congress to hold certain votes, protect its own power to spy on its own citizens, maintain power and protect is their own job security, and the most terrifying thing of all is that it has become a weapon to crush their political enemies,” he said.

“All of this I’m telling you didn’t come from the SCIF, you know that,” Greene told her supporters, “and I’m depending on you to help me stop our biggest threat to national security, the one that comes from within. .”

Critics have suggested that Biden’s mishandling of the border crisis is intentional and is a means to import Democratic voters so he and his party can remain in power.

X CEO Elon Musk suggested the president open the borders as part of a two-step plan: “Bring as many illegal aliens into the country as possible” and “legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state ”.

That is the plan of a man who is the true “threat to national security.”

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Rusty Weiss has been covering politics for more than 15 years. His writings have appeared in Daily Caller, Fox… More about Rusty Weiss

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